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November  20, 2024

Ariana wins Honorable Mention in the 2024 Charlton Poster Competition

Ariana was awarded honorable mention in the senior category of this year's Tufts GSBS Charlton Poster competition. Nice work! 


November  4, 2024

Congratulations to Katya, TUSM's 2024 Distinguished Faculty Awardee! 

Katya was selected for the 2024 Distinguished Faculty award for her outstanding contributions in teaching, scholarship and service.


October  28, 2024

Welcome to Allen and Ashley! 

Allen Xue and Ashley Luo are rotating with the Heldwein Lab for their second rotation!


September 2024 

Ariana awarded travel funding for ASCB

Ariana was awarded funding from the American Society for Cell Biology and Student Enrichment award from Tufts GSBS to attend the ASCB conference in December​


September 2024 

Maria awarded an F31!

Congratulations to Maria for her excellent score and securing F31 funding! 


July 21-26 2024 

Heldwein Lab at FASEB Virus Structure and Assembly 2024

Katya gave a talk on our work on nuclear egress and Gonzo and Nathalie shared posters. 


July 3rd, 2024 

Ariana presents a poster at KSHV 2024!


May  2024 

Maria awarded the Dean's Award

Congratulations, Maria! 


April  26, 2024

Team Egress Heading to Northeastern Nuclear Envelope Meeting

Bing has been selected to give a talk at NENE 2024! Ariana and Nathalie will share posters.


April  4, 2024 

Bing Dai Awarded GSBS Student Enrichment Fund Travel Award

Bing will present his work on host factors in nuclear egress at the International Herpesvirus Workshop this summer.


March 1, 2024

The Heldwein Lab Adds Three new PhD Students!!!

Welcome to Brian Cieslewicz, Hunter Russell and Adrian Sperl! We are so excited to get to work with our new entry (Brian, Hunter) and egress (Adrian)  members! 



January 22, 2024

Welcome Hunter Russell! 

Hunter is working with Gonzo to investigate gH/gL for his second rotation. 


January 16, 2024

SUPer Publication News 

Former post-doc Lizzy and Gonzo's publication on a suppressor mutation in the NEC is now available on PLoS Pathogens! â€‹


January 8, 2024

Welcome Emma Lofgen!

Emma is assisting Ariana on her work with KSHV reactivation.


October 30, 2023

Welcome to Brian Cieslewicz!

Brian joins Nathalie for his second rotation working on studying the NEC-membrane interactions!​


October 6, 2024

Welcome Adrian Sperl! 

Alongside Maria, Adrian is working on development of an HCMV neutralization assay. 


September 14, 2023

Our new PhD Candidate - Leah! 

Leah has passed her qualifying exam and is ready to start her second year on Team Entry!


September 11, 2023

Read all about it - Martin's paper on in vitro reconstitution of HSV-1 fusion 

Congratulations to Martin, Ariana and our former rotation student Ariane on the acceptance of their paper!


September 2023

Welcome to Tien Huynh

Tien joins us for his first rotation with Bing working on identifying host factors involved in nuclear egress 



June 2023 

Summer Students!

Welcome to Alemaris Collazo (BDBS) and Emma Young (Tufts U) are working as Heldwinners this summer. Alemaris is joining Ariana on her work with the nuclear egress complex and Emma joins Dr. Gonzo for structural studies! 



June 8, 2023

Congratulations Dr. Ramirez!

Dr. Martin Ramirez successfully defends his PhD! We wish you the best of luck with your next steps in Med School!


June 6, 2023

BAHS 2023

The lab learned lots at the annual Boston Area Herpesvirus Symposium hosted at HMS. Bing and Nathalie each shared talks on their work on nuclear egress.


​May 30, 2023

Welcome, Leah! 

The newest Heldwinner joins Team Entry! Leah Lee has officially joined the Heldwein Lab. Stay tuned for more on her project. 




February 17, 2023

Welcome, Fernando! 

Fernando joins us from Universidad Francisco de Vitoria in Madrid for a six-month internship. He is working with Nathalie on developing an assay for NEC protein oligomerization.   


January 30, 2023

Chiao! Welcome back Katya, Martin, and Nathalie!

The crew just returned from the GRS/GRC Physical Virology where Nathalie won a GRS Poster Prize!  


January 23, 2023

Welcome, Abi!

Abi begins her third rotation working with Maria on structural determination of HCMV gB-antibody complexes! 


December 1, 2022

Congratulations, Martin!

Martin received the Carl Storm Underrepresented Minority (CSURM) Fellowship to support his participation in the 2023 GRS on Physical Virology.


November 10, 2022

Welcome, Claudia!

Claudia begins her second rotation working with Gonzo on structural analysis of gH/gL.


November 10, 2022

Congratulations, Ama!

Ama Onwuka (BDBS) presented her posted "Development of an in vitro assay for assembly of herpesvirus nuclear egress coat" at ABRCMS.


October 30, 2022 

Good luck, Lizzy!

Catch Elizabeth in her new role as an Assistant Professor at Emory University. 


September 5, 2022

Welcome Ariane and Leah

Ariane and Leah begin their first rotation working with Martin and Bing!


August 15, 2022

Back to University

We say goodbye to our incredible summer undergrads, Ama and Chloe. 


August 2022

Quals Completed!

Congratulations to Ariana and Maria for successfully completing their qualifying exams. 


August 2022

Good bye for now, Mike! 

Dr. Thorsen has begun his new position at Treeline Bioscience. 



July 15, 2022

Congratulations, Lucas!

Lucas joins us from Johns Hopkins University as a first year PREP scholar. Let's get down to science! 



July 8, 2022


Congratulations, Mike!

A study on the nuclear egress complex from Epstein-Barr virus has been published in PLOS Pathogens.



June 29, 2022


Congratulations, Zemplen!

A study on the discovery of two new functional domains within the gH and gB cytoplasmic domains has been published in PLOS Pathogens.



March 17, 2022


Congratulations, Martin!

Martin is a recipient of the Spring Student Enrichment Fund Travel Award. He will use the award to attend the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Virus Structure and Assembly Conference.



February 1, 2022


Congratulations, Mike!

Mike successfully defended his PhD thesis.



January 31, 2022


Welcome, Maria!

Maria is a PhD student in the Molecular Microbiology program rotating in our lab working with Nathalie on the NEC.



January 30, 2021


Congratulations, Gonzo!

A review about the role of gH/gL in herpesvirus entry is now published in Viruses.



December 3, 2021


Congratulations, Zemplen!

Zemplen was awarded an NIH F30 fellowship investigating herpesvirus entry mechanisms.



November 15, 2021


Welcome, Andrea!

Andrea is a PhD student in the Molecular Microbiology program rotating in our lab working with Zemplen on HSV-1 entry.



September 23, 2021


Congratulations, Elizabeth and Jonathan!

A review about herpesvirus capsids across the three subfamilies is now published in Viruses.



September 13, 2021


Welcome, Haley!

Haley is a PhD student in the Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Biology program rotating in our lab working with Bing on HSV-1 nuclear egress factors.



September 13, 2021


Welcome, Ariana!

Ariana is a PhD student in the Molecular Microbiolgoy program rotating in our lab working with Martin on an in vitro fusion system.



August 24, 2021


Congratulations, Mike!

A story of how HSV-1 NEC order lipids with clusters of basic residues in UL31 is now published in mBio.



June 14, 2021


Welcome, Jonathan!

Jonathan is a summer student working with Elizabeth virtually on a thorough literature review of the similarities and differences in capsid structure and capsid protein function between the three human herpesvirus subfamilies.



May 17, 2021


Welcome, Erin!

Erin is a PhD student in the Cellular, Molecular and Development Biology program rotating in our lab, studying HSV-1 fusion with Zemplen.



April 6, 2021


​Welcome, Izzy!

Izzy is a PhD student in the Molecular Microbiology program rotating in our lab, studying the nuclear egress complex with Mike.



March 2, 2021


Congratulations, Adam!

A story of HSV-1 entry routes published in mBio.



February 22, 2021


Welcome, Sammy!

Sammy is a PhD student in the Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Biology program rotating in our lab, studying nuclear egress with Bing.



February 18, 2021


Congratulations, Elizabeth!

Peptides from HSV-1 UL25 are shown to inhibit HSV-1 NEC membrane budding in a paper published in Nature Scientific Reports.



September 15, 2020


Congratulations, Katya!

Katya received funding from the Pew Innovation Fund in collaboration with Daniela Nicastro PhD to investigate herpesvirus escape mechanisms via cutting-edge imaging techniques.



August 12, 2020


Welcome, Gonzalo!

Gonzalo joins our lab as a postdoctoral scholar in the Tufts IRACDA Program.  



June 24, 2020


Congratulations, Elizabeth!

NEC cryo-EM studies published in eLife.  



May 18, 2020


Welcome, Nathalie!

Nathalie joins our lab as a PhD student from the Molecular Microbiology program.  



May 5, 2020


Congratulations Claire and Andrea!

UL11 structural studies published in mBio. 



April 13, 2020


Congratulations, Elizabeth!

Elizabeth received The American Society for Virology Travel Award for ASV2020.  



June 3, 2019


Welcome, Aiden!

Aiden is an undergraduate studying the nuclear egress complex in the lab this summer.     



June 3, 2019


Welcome, Sammi!

Sammi is an MD/PhD student rotating in our lab this summer, studying the role of glycoproteins during entry. 



June 3, 2019


Welcome, Bing!

Bing joins our lab as a PhD student from the Cellular, Molecular and Developmental Biology Program.    



May 9, 2019


Congratulations, Adam!

Review article is published in PLoS Pathogens.   



May 3, 2019


Congratulations, Andrea!

Andrea successfully defended her PhD thesis.   



April 23, 2019


Congratulations, Adam!

Adam received an American Society for Virology (ASV) travel award.  



January 28, 2019 


Congratulations, Katya!

Katya is elected fellow into the American Academy of Microbiology. 




August 22, 2018 


Congratulations, Mike!

Mike is the recipient of the Rosenberg Fellowship from the Tufts Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. 



August 7, 2018


Congratulations, Katya!

Katya is awarded an NIH R21 grant for investigating HSV-1 entry mechanisms. 



May 29, 2018


Congratulations, Katya!

Katya has been appointed the American Cancer Society (Massachusetts Division) Endowed Professor of Molecular Biology. 


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©2023 by Heldwein Lab

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